Untitled (Your body is a battleground), 1989/2019
This work has had many iterations since it was originally created as a poster for the April 9, 1989, Women’s March on Washington in support of legal abortion, birth control, and women’s rights. That summer it was remade as a large-scale silkscreen in Los Angeles and as a subway poster in Berlin. In 1990, as a commission by the Wexner Center it was installed as a billboard using the same slogan over a slightly different image and in 2021 as part of an International Women’s Day protest in Warsaw, Poland. Its most current iteration is here as a single-channel video with color, sound, and new phrases.
Sound Description
The sound of falling pieces plays as the puzzle collapses at the start of the video. As the pieces connect together they make a clicking sound. The clicks speed up as the image of a face comes into form. An intense boom resounds with each changing phrase.