Mixpantli: Lhatj, ka nha’ nha nhak gok gwxhe Yell xhon Sita’
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Lle’ shnhej, bio’ xonho’, iz 1521, yelhate’ ndé twiz katen got Moctezuma II (Motecuhzoma Bzeb) Cuauhtémoc (Quautemoctzin), to bene’ xkuide’ zelhao gwnhabia’Yell xhen Azteca, le’ gwyoe’ gwze’ lo’ lhatj nhis che Sita’-Tenochtitlán, yell nhi benhitten nhak da’ yelagwdilen gok, lhen bene’ ljelle’ zeje’ weshalj lhen benextilha’ ench koez yelagwdila’. Zan shi koen iz bach gwde, katen gwchhe’ to yillwe’ walh (huey cocoliztli) bososhe’ lhe lhatjen nha’ gosenhen Ciudad de México, lhatj walh che Nueva España, zan bene’ sinha’ nahuas sjayo’ lo’ nha’ yososalhawe’ to llin walh da’ gwllon dan ba chhesak Yellhion: gosonhe’ wezoj da’ ba chhesake’ nha’ dilla’ ka gok che’ lo’ to yishwelhab xhen da’ nchhente, da’ nzi’ Códice Florentino. Dan chhoe’ dilla’ nhaken gok gwdil che Conquisten (Yiswelhab 12) tsolaon lhen to dilla’ chkuia lhao: to yo’o gwlhas yi’, to lhachhe’ bejw, nha’ da’ seyidjw lhalldao Yelllhio blhan kate’ za’ gak shi iz yeselha’k benextilhe ka’. Dilla’ chkuia lhalle’ nhi nsa’n to da’ kob chhechj Yaba da’ shlhoen gak nllalhe: len na’ bosozoe lha Mixpantli.
Bagok gayogayoa iz na’, nha’ na’ chshaglhaochho Yelllhion yeto yillwe’ walh, Mixpantli: Lhatj ka nha’ nha nhak gok gwxhe Yell xhon Sita’ shlhoen chhio’ na’, katgen goson benen gosap shie’ dan gosak benexhon ka’ (tlamatinime) nha’ bene’ wezoj (tlacuiloque) gosenhabia’ benextilh ka’ le’. Da’ walhen gosonhe’ gosonhe’ ka’, goseyilhjw lhalle’ nhaken gosonhe’ weshalj , ench yeyak shawe’ che Yelllhion. Goson yane’ ka zelhao chhesake’ yelawezoja’, bene’ tlacuiloqui kí, bosoxie’ to da’yoblhte, bososhe’ lhatjen lhen kan gok nha’ bosoxie’ da’ nlla’telhe (bosochhenhe’ kan gok, llin dobe’, gosonhe’ da’ gosonhe’ lhen yej nha’ bsochhenhe’ yishwelhab), yogo’ da’ ki shlhoen ka chjanhi’lhalle’ Cristo yell lhalle’ nha’ bosoden lo’ xbab che benexhon. Mixpnatli nhaken to da’ shlhoe’ nhaken bosotil ljell chop koen Yellhio bene’, nha’ dan chhesak yane’ benexhon nahuas ben lhatj gwyalhjo to nhez kob da’ gwlhoen kayanen gok, to da’ nchixe chop koen kan chhososa’ lhalle’ chop yell nllá’.