Fountain of Life, 2001/2014
Yoshitomo Nara, Fountain of Life, 2001/2014, Fiber-reinforced plastic, lacquer, urethane, motor, and water, Edition of 3, artist proof 1/2, 68⅞ × 70⅞ × 70⅞ in. (175 × 180 × 180 cm), Collection of Alaia Chen, © Yoshitomo Nara 2014, photo by Mie Morimoto, courtesy of the artist
Presented at Nara’s first major survey exhibition, I DON’T MIND, IF YOU FORGET ME., at the Yokohama Museum of Art in 2001, Fountain of Life is a motorized sculptural installation of heads with closed eyelids that tower over one another inside an enormous teacup with water that streams down the figures’ cheeks, forming a fountain of tears. The melancholy of this work is palpable, and the figures’ clean profiles evoke the abstract richly outlined paintings of Japanese abstract painter, Morikazu Kumagai, whom Nara has long admired.