Five Series of Repetition, 1987

Five Series of Repetition, 1987

Xu Bing
China, b. 1955
Field (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Moving Cloud (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Farmland (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Withered Pool (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Mountain Place (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Black Tadpoles (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Black Pool (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Big River (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Pool of Life (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Haystack Reflection (from the Five Series of Repetition), 1987
Woodblock prints on paper
Promised gifts of the Foundation Ink

In 1987, Xu Bing completed his master of fine arts degree in printmaking, and presented the woodblock print piece Five Series of Repetition as his thesis project. The series showed the evolution of carved wood blocks over time, starting with prints of uncut woodblocks, and finishing with prints where nearly all of the wood had been carved away. In this printing, we see a midway point in the series, in which the carved scenes of farmland are fully etched, their forms not yet chipped away.


© Xu Bing Studio, photo: LACMA