The exhibitions program at LACMA is central to our mission to share with our audiences the finest works of art across all cultures and historic periods, presented through a contemporary and forward-thinking lens. Distinguished by their innovative approach, scholarly depth, and critical acclaim, LACMA’s exhibitions do not just reflect culture—they make culture by inspiring our visitors to reflect on the deep relevance of art.

LACMA’s Exhibition Fund provides crucial and dependable ongoing support for our renowned exhibitions. Gifts to the Exhibition Fund have a dramatic impact on our goal of realizing the most ambitious and diverse exhibition program in the country, building and inspiring a vast audience. Supporting the museum through the Exhibition Fund is a celebration of LACMA’s legacy and an investment in its future.

We are tremendously grateful to the current patrons of this important initiative, whose support makes all this possible. Major annual support is provided by The David & Meredith Kaplan Foundation, with generous annual funding from Louise and Brad Edgerton, Edgerton Foundation, Mary and Daniel James, Justin Lubliner, Alfred E. Mann Charities, Kelsey Lee Offield, Maggie Tang, Lenore and Richard Wayne, and Marietta Wu and Thomas Yamamoto.

To learn more about supporting the Exhibition Fund, please contact Danielle Gorodenzik at 323 857-6576 or