1986 | Wood, metal, beads, pigment, string, and rubber
pioneering Black assemblage artist Betye Saar and art conservator Richard Saar, Alison Saar grew up in ... a household filled with creative energy and a broad range of art objects—all of which fueled her desire to ...
1925 | Oil on canvas | On View
Objectivity) exhibition at the Kunsthalle Mannheim in 1925. Among the twelve works he exhibited, four were ... leanings, Schrimpf is considered part of the more “conservative,” predominantly southern German contingent ... of New Objectivity artists, due to the many classicizing motifs in his work that evoke the Italian ...
circa 1934 | Oil on canvas
throughout his career. In Essays on Art he expressed his reverence for the simple objects of a still life: ... "We speak about things, but we seldom hear things speak to us. Things, objects, mutely cry to us: ... adventuresome in his figure paintings, in his still lifes he remained conservative for a longer period of time. ...
negative 1976, printed 1990 | Gelatin silver print
conservative forces who objected to Mapplethorpe's posthumous retrospective exhibition "The Perfect ...
1976 | Gelatin silver print
when Mapplethorpe's work was condemned by Senator Jesse Helms and other conservative forces who ... objected to Mapplethorpe's posthumous retrospective exhibition "The Perfect Moment, organized by ...
1976 | Gelatin silver print
innocence." This recollection provides a counterpoint to Senator Jesse Helms and other conservative forces ... who, in 1989-90, objected to Mapplethorpe's posthumous retrospective exhibition "The Perfect ...
1985 | Wood, tin, shards and pigment
Betye Saar and art conservator Richard Saar, Alison Saar grew up in a household filled with creative ... energy and a broad range of art objects—all of which fueled her desire to create work reflecting what she ...
1983 | Wood, lead, and rope
Betye Saar and art conservator Richard Saar, Alison Saar grew up in a household filled with creative ... energy and a broad range of art objects—all of which fueled her desire to create work reflecting what she ...
1912 | Oil on canvas
an object. Often, as in this painting and Tanagra, 1918 (National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian ... horizontal composition, and the woman’s fascination with an object that she holds in her hand. In these ... delineation of form Hassam was more conservative in the window series than in his flag paintings of the same ...
1916 | Oil on canvas
complementary color of the rose drape next to the green objects. Breckenridge often borrowed from Matisse the ... device of placing a painting or patterned hanging, here an altar cloth, behind the objects on the table ... often worked closely with Arthur B. Carles (1880-1952), and the two even used the same objects in their ...
circa 1675-1700 | Bidri ware inlaid with silver and brass (tarkashi and tehnishan techniques)
laudatory verses inscribed on prized decorative art objects. Water imagery is replete throughout the ... Associates/ LACMA Conservation, by Yosi Pozeilov Provenance:  Public View:  YES 17th century Non-Diacritic ...
circa 1450 | Light yellow marble with black striations
once held a now-missing disk or other indeterminate object, while her raised right hand may have ... Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums, 1984. Pal, Pratapaditya; Dehejia, Vidya; ...
circa 1900 | Oil on canvas
paintings, objects were depicted so realistically that many people actually had to touch the canvas before ... they were convinced that the objects they were seeing were painted, not "real." Peto, ... however, was more concerned with the manner in which light could affect an object rather than with the ...
1925 | Oil on canvas
conservative, probably due to her social prominence and to the fact that the work was intended to hang in the ... material objects and textures, academic artists immortalized their patrons’ importance in full-length ... impressionists have to record the physical world with the objective detail of a photograph. Artists were now ...
6th century A.D. | Earthenware
hear conservator John Hirx explain the thermoluminescence testing process, press the audio play button ... /uiconf_id/6232402/partner_id/491681"></script> <object id="kaltura_player_1375240582" ... content="application/x-shockwave-flash"></span> </object> Handbook:  Label:  Bibliographic Entry:  Mintz, Robert. 2014. <em>Japanese ...
1899 | Oil on canvas
painting is deeply conservative. But its essential modernity is announced in subtle ways: the abrupt ... material objects and textures, academic artists immortalized their patrons’ importance in full-length ... impressionists have to record the physical world with the objective detail of a photograph. Artists were now ...
1627 | Oil on canvas
and is in vol. 697, fols. 103–15v, 156–65r" (letter dated 22 April 1987, Reni object file, ... Isabella, wife and heir of Octavian Ubaldini. Ugo was appointed conservator of Rome in the years 1686, 1695, ...