no date
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... Kalākaua at Captian Cook Monument Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated Title:  Edition Title:  ... Kalakaua at Captian Cook Monument ...
no date | Albumen silver print
of Mark and Carolyn Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and ... Medium:  Albumen silver print Full Title:  Charles Cooke Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated ... Charles M. Cooke, co-founder of Castle & Cooke Inc, one of the Big Five corporations in the Territory ...
June 21, 1903 | Postcard, color lithograph.
Carolyn Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork ... lithograph. Full Title:  Captain Cook's Monument- Hawaii Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated ... Geography:  Kingdom of Hawai'i (annexed by United States), Captain Cook Artwork Dimensions:  Primary ...
no date | Albumen silver print
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... Title:  Cook's Monument Hawai'i Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated Title:  Edition ...
circa 1910 | Gelatin silver print
Carolyn Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork ... print Full Title:  Cooking a Pig Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated Title:  Edition ...
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... Cook's Monument Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated Title:  Edition Title:  Manuscript ...
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... Number:  M.2015.33.2072 Location:  Not currently on public view Artwork Medium:  Full Title:  Captain Cook ...
no date
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... Cook's Monument Portfolio Orig Lang Title:  Portfolio Translated Title:  Edition Title:  Manuscript ...
no date | Postcard, color lithograph.
Blackburn and purchased with funds from LACMA's 50th Anniversary Gala and FIJI Water Artwork Accession ... lithograph. Full Title:  48. Capt. Cook's Monument at His First Landing Place on Hawaii Portfolio Orig ...
circa 1830 | Wood and fiber
Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  circa 1830 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds provided by ... the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation with additional funding by Jane and Terry Semel, the David Bohnett ... Title:  Translated Monographic Series Title:  Plate Number:  Volume Number Page:  Geography:  Cook ...
circa 1778 | Wood, shark teeth, and fiber
Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  circa 1778 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds provided by ... the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation with additional funding by Jane and Terry Semel, the David Bohnett ... carved as a flat club with an elongated handle, the end as a sharpened bludgeon dagger. Triangular shark ...
circa 1778 | Wood, shark skin, and fiber
Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  circa 1778 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds provided by ... the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation with additional funding by Jane and Terry Semel, the David Bohnett ... could be made with a variety of decorative motifs.</p><p>This wood base was made from ...
circa 1778 | Wood and shark teeth
Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  circa 1778 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds provided by ... the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation with additional funding by Jane and Terry Semel, the David Bohnett ... <b>Hand Weapon</b> in LACMA’s collection, which was collected in Hawaii at the same time. It has ...
2010 | Screenprint
LACMA in 2008, Machine Project collaborated with museums to explore the conventions and boundaries of ... Artist:  Aastha Gaur Lucy Cook Machine Project Tags * Alternate Titles:  Translated Title:  Series ... workshops, and events known for their absurdist humor and buoyant energy. Beginning with A Field Guide to ...
1960 | Oil on canvas
Artwork Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  1960 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds ... Post-Minimalism before returning to her native Japan in 1973, where she struggled with mental illness; in 1977 she ... checked herself into a psychiatric institution, where she continues to live. LACMA’s 1998 exhibition ...
1907 | Mahogany, ebony, oak, boxwood, copper, silver-plated steel, abalone, and cotton upholstery
Bibliographic Entry:  Kaplan, Wendy; W. Braznell; R. Clark; E. Cooke; E. Denker; B. Denker; R. Edwards; J. ... County Museum of Art, 1990. <P>Barron, Stephanie, S. Bernstein and I. S. Fort, with essays by ... =>View this publication in LACMA's Reading ...
2018 | Charcoal on paper
a body of work around Palestinian food, capturing unassuming scenes of cooking, eating, and sharing ... village, and since childhood has worked with pencil and paper to create her compelling photorealistic ... 4 Copyright Text:  © Samah Shihadi, digital courtesy Museum Associates/LACMA Provenance:  Has image:  Has ...
circa 1818 | Sperm whale ivory, wood, and fiber
intricate carvings of the nearby Cook Islands. Here wood and ivory pieces are tied together with finely ... Inscription:  Culture Made:  Artwork Date(s):  circa 1818 Artwork Credit Line:  Purchased with funds provided by ... the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation with additional funding by Jane and Terry Semel, the David Bohnett ...
2013 | Screenprint
with A Field Guide to LACMA in 2008, Machine Project collaborated with museums to explore the ... Artist:  Lucy Cook Paul Morgan Machine Project Tags * Alternate Titles:  Translated Title:  Series ... to a handball court painted with op-art murals, Allen explained that "Machine is guided by the ...
2011 | Screenprint
buoyant energy. Beginning with A Field Guide to LACMA in 2008, Machine Project collaborated with museums ... Artist:  Lucy Cook Jennifer Rider Machine Project Tags * Alternate Titles:  Translated Title:  ... opera performed by dogs to a handball court painted with op-art murals, Allen explained that ...