Metropolis II
Metropolis II
Chris Burden's Metropolis II is an intense kinetic sculpture, modeled after a fast paced, frenetic modern city. Steel beams form an eclectic grid interwoven with an elaborate system of 18 roadways, including one six lane freeway, and HO scale train tracks. Miniature cars speed through the city at 240 scale miles per hour; every hour, the equivalent of approximately 100,000 cars circulate through the dense network of buildings. According to Burden, "The noise, the continuous flow of the trains, and the speeding toy cars produce in the viewer the stress of living in a dynamic, active and bustling 21st century city."
See Metropolis II in action:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
12–12:30 pm, 1–1:30 pm, 2–2:30 pm, 3–3:30 pm, 4–4:30 pm
11–11:30 am, 12–12:30 pm, 1–1:30 pm, 3–3:30 pm, 4–4:30 pm, 5–5:30 pm
11–11:30 am, 12–12:30 pm, 1–1:30 pm, 3–3:30 pm, 4–4:30 pm, 5–5:30 pm
Image: Chris Burden, Metropolis II, 2010, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, courtesy of the Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Foundation, © Chris Burden Estate
- Ongoing
- BCAM, Level 1
- Today's hours: 10 am–7 pm
- Estimated visit time: 15 minutes
Image: Chris Burden, Metropolis II, 2010, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, courtesy of the Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Foundation, © Chris Burden Estate
Go behind the scenes at LACMA and learn how a dedicated team of museum staff take care of the very popular kinetic sculpture, "Metropolis II" by Chris Burden.