The following databases are available on-site:

Art Source
Developed from a merger of high-quality databases from EBSCO and H.W. Wilson, and including many unique sources that were never previously available, this database covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design.

The artnet Fine Art Auctions Database contains 3.5 million auction records from over 500 auction houses worldwide that have been compiled since 1985. Works from over 180,000 artists are represented. The Database is searchable by artist, title, sale location, date, size, and price. Over half the records include illustrations. 

Arts:Search consists of four databases:

  • Review - Provides full text of a range of 19th and early 20th century art journals
  • Arts + Architecture Profiles - Includes biographical data on over 35,000 artists, architects, craftspeople and designers
  • Design Abstracts Retrospective - Contains abstracts of architecture and design journals published between 1900-1986
  • Research Sources: Posters - Contains extensive information on poster design

ARTstor is a rich digital library that offers coherent collections of art images and descriptive information as well as the software tools to enable active use of the collections. 

AskART is an online database containing over 100,000 artists. From its inception the focus was on American artists from the early 16th-Century through the present. However, in January of 2007 the database was expanded to include international artists` auction records. 

CAA Reviews
Critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies published by the College Art Association.

Subscription to Art Full Text, Art Index Retrospective and Art Image Gallery.

German Literary Expressionism Online
German Literary Expressionism Online is based upon the many-volumed index to the journals associated with German Expressionism from the period 1900-1925, Paul Raabe’s Index Expressionismus (1972). This online version now includes not only the full index itself, but also full text of all the journals, anthologies, yearbooks and collections—a total of 2,404 issues—listed in Raabe’s index. The individual resources are presented online as facsimiles, with a variety of search possibilities providing easy access to the individual editions. The articles can be found using various search criteria or full-text searches, thus making it possible to work with the texts and images. The database also contains bio-bibliographical articles on the 350 Expressionist authors as an additional consultation function. The edition is rounded off by a scholarly introduction.

Gordon’s Print Price Annual
Gordon's contains international auction results with sales prices of almost 45,000 prints. 

Grove Art Online
Grove Art Online provides web access to the entire text of The Dictionary of Art and The Oxford Companion to Western Art. 

Invaluable (previously called ArtFact) is a searchable database of objects that have been featured for sale at auction worldwide. One can search fine art works by artist name and art style; search upcoming auctions by catalog or keyword; search auction house by name; and search past auction results.

JSTOR is an online academic journal archive which offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated.