Sunday, May 4
Drop-in Workshops
Join Andell Family Sundays in person on LACMA's campus and be creative, discover new art, make memories, and have fun!...
Sun May 4 | 12:30 pm PT
Drop-in Workshops
Calling all fiber aficionados! Bring your current project or grab supplies from our stash. Led by experienced fiber artists, you'll learn a new skill or help others in the circle. ...
Sun May 4 | 12:30 pm PT
Thursday, May 8
Member Exclusive
On Sale
Realms of the Dharma: Buddhist Art across Asia presents an international survey of Buddhism and Buddhist art, beginning with the religion’s origins in India and following it...
Thu May 8 | 11 am PT
Resnick Pavilion
Friday, May 9
Member Exclusive
On Sale
Realms of the Dharma: Buddhist Art across Asia presents an international survey of Buddhism and Buddhist art, beginning with the religion’s origins in India and following it...
Fri May 9 | 11 am PT
Resnick Pavilion