Modern Art

Modern Art

  • June 13, 2021–Ongoing
  • BCAM, Level 3
  • Closed Today

Gallery Soundtrack Available
The musical selections in this soundtrack mirror the range of art in LACMA’s Modern Art Galleries. Pairings of specific tracks with individual artworks underscore the interconnection between audio and visual mediums.

This installation features work by modernist artists compelled by a Surrealist impulse—the drive to mine the unconscious as the seat of artistic creativity–during and after a period of great political and cultural upheaval. The gallery features artists like André Masson and Wolfgang Paalen, who were compelled to flee the European continent for North America in the 1930s and 40s, carrying with them a Surrealist visual language that would influence artists like Jackson Pollock, Mark Tobey, and Luchita Hurtado. The works on view also underscore how US-based artists expanded and modified Surrealist ideas, merging biomorphic figures and disorienting landscapes with a fascination in archaic forms, Indigenous cultural practices, and Zen philosophies.

November 4, 2024 - June 1, 2025