Los Angeles Collectors Jane and Marc Nathanson Give Major Artworks to LACMA

LACMA is pleased to announce eight promised gifts of art from Jane and Marc Nathanson. The Nathansons’ gift of eight works of contemporary art includes seminal pieces by Damien Hirst, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, and others.

The bequest is made in honor of LACMA’s 50th anniversary in 2015. The gifts kick off a campaign, chaired by LACMA trustees Jane Nathanson and Lynda Resnick, to encourage additional promised gifts of art for the museum’s anniversary. Gifts resulting from this campaign will be exhibited at LACMA April 26–September 7, 2015, in an exhibition, 50 for 50: Gifts on the Occasion of LACMA’s 50th Anniversary. 

Image captions:

Andy Warhol, Two Marilyns (detail), 1962, promised gift of Jane and Marc Nathanson in honor of the museum's 50th anniversary, © 2015 Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Museum Associates/ LACMA, by Josh White

Roy Lichtenstein, Interior with Three Hanging Lamps (detail), 1991,promised gift of Jane and Marc Nathanson in honor of the museum's 50th anniversary, © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein, photo © Museum Associates/ LACMA, by Josh White

James Rosenquist, Portraits of the Scull Family (detail), 1962, promised gift of Jane and Marc Nathanson in honor of the museum's 50th anniversary, © 2015 James Rosenquist/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY, Photo © Museum Associates/ LACMA, by Josh White



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